Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Progress on the garage apartment was clicking away at a pretty good pace, while my contractor was on board. Now that it is up to me to schedule and finish things up, we are moving at a snail's pace.

So, what's new...after three appointments, I broke down and gave up on cable iternet. I've been without internet for 3 weeks now. Yes, I've missed it. But, the world kept moving on.

In my quest for air conditioning, I've learned how to turn on the meter, disconnect, and open the panel on the condenser. As it turns out, the mechanical contractor didn't turn it on. It wasn't me!

The confidence meter is definitely up a notch from where we were before I started this project. After work, I go home and dremel away bad caulk. I also replaced my shower fixtures by myself and picked up everything I need from the Big Box in one trip! The last time we did this, Don helped me and brought the other supplies that he knew I would forget to buy.

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