Monday, May 25, 2009

Rain, Bricks and Budget

It is something like day 10 of continuous torrential rain and thunderstorms. Prior to this, the past few months were very dry so working on my landscape was not a priority. This weekend I decided that I might as well use the rain to my advantage and started work on my landscape plan (courtesy of the very talented Cornelia). Another motivation is our next book club meeting, which will be at my house.

During demolition and construction, the guys would start digging and hit a brick. There bricks were everywhere. I asked them to put them off to the side with the hopes that I could use them as pavers. Well after several hours of digging, carrying and stacking bricks, I can tell you that I have 50 full bricks and that much and more in partial bricks. What to do.

Budget ties all my weekend’s tasks together, as everything is free. With all of the rain, I decided to take the chance and try to propagate some of my existing ground cover and creeping vines. A friend’s circular patio was made entirely from salvaged bricks. Val would just ask for them when she saw a pile on a construction site. I’m going to troll craigslist and keep my eye out for some more free bricks.

Lets hope my body can take this. My hands are used to typing, not laying brick. The last time I did this – the back patio on the main house, I said, “Never again.”

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